How to leverage AI to assist Agile teams, obtain a free AI certification, and renew SEUs/PDUs

One day, I happened to come across a new certification on LinkedIn, shared by a CSM who mentioned how thrilled they were to have earned it. This piqued my interest, and I wanted to obtain this certification as well. I can encourage all CSMs to earn a free 2.5 SEUs or PMPs to earn a free 2.5 PDUs, while also gaining an understanding of how Agile can be applied with AI and an introduction to various AI tools. It’s truly a win-win situation.

如何運用 AI 協助敏捷團隊,拿下免費AI證照並Renew SEU/PDU

有一天,我在 LinkedIn 上無意間發現了一張新的證照,分享者是一位 CSM,他提到自己非常開心能拿到這張證書。這引起了我的興趣,讓我也想要把這張證照拿下來,可以鼓勵所有的CSM拿下免費2.5個SEU,或PMP拿下免費2.5個PDU,並且了解敏捷如何應用AI及眾多的AI工具介紹,真是一舉兩得。

燃亮夢想,共塑未來:讓台灣走向世界的一本書《Successful Agile Product Development》

這本書對我而言,不僅僅是一本書,它是一個夢,一個對台灣敏捷生態有深遠影響的夢。在短短的五個月內,這本書就經歷了九刷,你能相信嗎? 所以我決定要將它翻譯成英文,因為我相信,世界需要看見台灣在敏捷生態上的付出與努力。對我來說,成為CST(Certified Scrum Trainer)不是終點,而是一個新的開始與使命。這是我改變世界的方式,我的第一個里程碑目標是培養100位CEO,而我知道,這個目標就快達成了。