AI Innovation Results Presentation as a Judge: The Power of Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

I've noted that you've been involved in translating world-class agile works in Taiwan, including "Zombie Scrum", and worked with Mr. Lee Shi-Qin from the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Association on this project. Your collaboration led to exploring AI from a Scrum perspective despite initial hesitations due to a lack of expertise in AI. This experience broadened your perspective to evaluate creative outcomes in a new domain not primarily focused on AI.

Igniting the Agile Spirit: The Honor and Legacy of the CEO Award

Within a year and a half of becoming a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), I have successfully coached 235 CEOs to achieve their Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) certification. Many of them have demonstrated exceptional performance within their organizations, promoting Agile thinking and embedding it into their corporate cultures, thereby creating remarkable Agile success stories. The establishment of the Global Top Agile CEO Award aims to honor these outstanding CEOs, showcase their achievements to the world, and inspire other corporate leaders from around the globe to join the movement.


我在台灣有翻譯了一些世界級經典敏捷著作,其中一本著作《Zombie Scrum》當中的一位翻譯志工是台灣人工智慧協會進修交流委員會 主委,李詩欽先生,他不僅是我們志工團隊的一員,也在其他領域以其卓越的領導才能,主辦了多場深具影響力的學習課程。當初他來向我提出邀請,希望我能從Scrum的角度來審視AI領域,我曾因為AI非我專長而猶豫。然而,他的堅持與說服,最終讓我接受了這一挑戰,進入了一個非以AI為主來評估學生創作成果的新領域。





Is Agile applicable to the public sector? I found the answer in this talk

There are two main reasons I was invited to speak about Agile at the Civil Service Human Resource Development Center. The first reason is that a CEO who is also a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) was recommended by a section chief, Ms. Chen Meng-li, from National Cheng Kung University. This CEO attended a course at the Civil Service Human Resource Development Center and strongly recommended that the organizers promote such Agile courses, as he believes that civil servants should not be disconnected from the management practices of the private sector.

Dr. Roger’s Agile Video Select

Agile is easy to learn but hard to master. There are still blind spots that remain irrespective of how long you have been learning agility. Therefore, when I started working on CSM co-training with CST in 2019, I took on the challenge of translating Agile videos of different depths.

2024年長宏員工旅遊家庭日,農野遊獵‧舊山線鐵道‧享沐度假二日遊 LINE ALBUM 2024 苗栗二日day1 240927 1 1
今年是長宏2024年舉辦員工旅遊,儘管公司面臨著第二次在11月協助舉辦RSG活動的壓力,行程幾乎被RSG活動塞滿,資源需求極大,麗琇幾乎每天都在開會。然而,她還是設法挪出資源,讓員工們可以有一次精彩的旅行。 最初我們討論是否以補助的方式或將旅遊延到12月RSG結束後,但最終決定由小花這位旅行社的優質導遊負責規劃,並成功策劃了令人難忘的兩天一夜苗栗之旅。


敏捷之道,易學難精。不管學習多久的敏捷都還會有盲點,於是在2019年我開始與CST做CSM cotraining時,就開始挑戰不同的敏捷深度影片。這些被我挑選的敏捷影片通常一指就戳中敏捷人士的盲點,常常在我完成翻譯定稿之後總是若有所悟。這是敏捷的修煉之道,修煉的同時如果還能惠及許多台灣的敏捷學習者,何樂而不為。
