AI Innovation Results Presentation as a Judge: The Power of Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

I've noted that you've been involved in translating world-class agile works in Taiwan, including "Zombie Scrum", and worked with Mr. Lee Shi-Qin from the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Association on this project. Your collaboration led to exploring AI from a Scrum perspective despite initial hesitations due to a lack of expertise in AI. This experience broadened your perspective to evaluate creative outcomes in a new domain not primarily focused on AI.


我在台灣有翻譯了一些世界級經典敏捷著作,其中一本著作《Zombie Scrum》當中的一位翻譯志工是台灣人工智慧協會進修交流委員會 主委,李詩欽先生,他不僅是我們志工團隊的一員,也在其他領域以其卓越的領導才能,主辦了多場深具影響力的學習課程。當初他來向我提出邀請,希望我能從Scrum的角度來審視AI領域,我曾因為AI非我專長而猶豫。然而,他的堅持與說服,最終讓我接受了這一挑戰,進入了一個非以AI為主來評估學生創作成果的新領域。