半年內達成100位CEO培訓成為CSM,有願就有力,願有多大 力量就有多大

    打造敏捷環境,需要正確的理解敏捷的原理及原則;實踐敏捷,需要有共同願景及共同理解的敏捷團隊;為組織植入敏捷價值觀及文化,需要從頭(CEO)開始。就在2023/11/19,我很開心 CST志業宣言的第一個Sprint Goal 達成:100位CEO成為CSM,為台灣敏捷生態注入新能量,感謝各位利害關係人的成就。

Challenges of Scrum Mastery Team Translation Collaboration and International Submission

    In this rapidly changing era, as an Agile coach and the first International Scrum Ambassador from Taiwan, CST, I encountered a profoundly influential book—Geoff Watts' "Scrum Mastery". This book has some overlap with Lyssa Adkins' "Coaching Agile Teams", with Lyssa's book being hailed as the contemporary Agile coaching bible, and Geoff Watts' work as the modern new testament. Its emergence inspired a new chapter in advocating Scrum for me, a passion that allowed me to organize a volunteer team of 70 people, surpassing the initial goal of 50.

Scrum Mastery團隊翻譯合作與國際投稿的挑戰

在這個快速變化的時代中,我,作為一名敏捷教練和台灣首位國際Scrum大使, CST,遇到了一本影響深遠的書籍——Geoff Watts的《Scrum Mastery》。這本書與Lyssa Adkins的《教練敏捷團隊》有著部分重疊之處,Lyssa的書被譽為當代的敏捷教練聖經,而Geoff Watts的作品則是近代的新聖經。它的出現激發了我倡導Scrum的新篇章,這種熱情讓我得以組織一個70人的志工團隊,超出了最初的50人目標。

網路上,包括LinkedIn上,不少人推薦這本書,強調它對於Scrum Master來說是必讀之作。親自細讀後,我深感同意。書中的故事豐富且輕鬆閱讀,不同於傳統教科書的枯燥,它用故事串連起Scrum Master的成長之路,從良好到卓越,展現了明顯的轉變。





Is Agile applicable to the public sector? I found the answer in this talk

There are two main reasons I was invited to speak about Agile at the Civil Service Human Resource Development Center. The first reason is that a CEO who is also a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) was recommended by a section chief, Ms. Chen Meng-li, from National Cheng Kung University. This CEO attended a course at the Civil Service Human Resource Development Center and strongly recommended that the organizers promote such Agile courses, as he believes that civil servants should not be disconnected from the management practices of the private sector.

Dr. Roger’s Agile Video Select

Agile is easy to learn but hard to master. There are still blind spots that remain irrespective of how long you have been learning agility. Therefore, when I started working on CSM co-training with CST in 2019, I took on the challenge of translating Agile videos of different depths.


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