

Is Agile applicable to the public sector? I found the answer in this talk

There are two main reasons I was invited to speak about Agile at the Civil Service Human Resource Development Center. The first reason is that a CEO who is also a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) was recommended by a section chief, Ms. Chen Meng-li, from National Cheng Kung University. This CEO attended a course at the Civil Service Human Resource Development Center and strongly recommended that the organizers promote such Agile courses, as he believes that civil servants should not be disconnected from the management practices of the private sector.

Dr. Roger’s Agile Video Select

Agile is easy to learn but hard to master. There are still blind spots that remain irrespective of how long you have been learning agility. Therefore, when I started working on CSM co-training with CST in 2019, I took on the challenge of translating Agile videos of different depths.


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今年是長宏2024年舉辦員工旅遊,儘管公司面臨著第二次在11月協助舉辦RSG活動的壓力,行程幾乎被RSG活動塞滿,資源需求極大,麗琇幾乎每天都在開會。然而,她還是設法挪出資源,讓員工們可以有一次精彩的旅行。 最初我們討論是否以補助的方式或將旅遊延到12月RSG結束後,但最終決定由小花這位旅行社的優質導遊負責規劃,並成功策劃了令人難忘的兩天一夜苗栗之旅。


敏捷之道,易學難精。不管學習多久的敏捷都還會有盲點,於是在2019年我開始與CST做CSM cotraining時,就開始挑戰不同的敏捷深度影片。這些被我挑選的敏捷影片通常一指就戳中敏捷人士的盲點,常常在我完成翻譯定稿之後總是若有所悟。這是敏捷的修煉之道,修煉的同時如果還能惠及許多台灣的敏捷學習者,何樂而不為。

How to leverage AI to assist Agile teams, obtain a free AI certification, and renew SEUs/PDUs

One day, I happened to come across a new certification on LinkedIn, shared by a CSM who mentioned how thrilled they were to have earned it. This piqued my interest, and I wanted to obtain this certification as well. I can encourage all CSMs to earn a free 2.5 SEUs or PMPs to earn a free 2.5 PDUs, while also gaining an understanding of how Agile can be applied with AI and an introduction to various AI tools. It’s truly a win-win situation.

如何運用 AI 協助敏捷團隊,拿下免費AI證照並Renew SEU/PDU

有一天,我在 LinkedIn 上無意間發現了一張新的證照,分享者是一位 CSM,他提到自己非常開心能拿到這張證書。這引起了我的興趣,讓我也想要把這張證照拿下來,可以鼓勵所有的CSM拿下免費2.5個SEU,或PMP拿下免費2.5個PDU,並且了解敏捷如何應用AI及眾多的AI工具介紹,真是一舉兩得。

燃亮夢想,共塑未來:讓台灣走向世界的一本書《Successful Agile Product Development》

這本書對我而言,不僅僅是一本書,它是一個夢,一個對台灣敏捷生態有深遠影響的夢。在短短的五個月內,這本書就經歷了九刷,你能相信嗎? 所以我決定要將它翻譯成英文,因為我相信,世界需要看見台灣在敏捷生態上的付出與努力。對我來說,成為CST(Certified Scrum Trainer)不是終點,而是一個新的開始與使命。這是我改變世界的方式,我的第一個里程碑目標是培養100位CEO,而我知道,這個目標就快達成了。


在CEO CSM課程中,我遇到了一位曾是長宏的PMP學員、現任BenQ副總經理朱驛清。經過十年的歷練,他迅速晉升為高階主管,管理著約130人的大部門。 在那次的CEO CSM學習中,他深刻體會到公司推廣敏捷需要堅持正統的Scrum理念。正值他們公司有機會代理國際知名的敏捷軟體Asana,朱副總便計劃舉辦一場茶會,並邀請我擔任演講者。由於他認為我具有足夠的公信力和影響力,此次茶會也成功邀請到30位企業高階主管來參加。